Damn, that Russian ad is so good. Like, really good. I'd show it to my husband but I don't want to break his heart.

I thought the purpose of the Army was to be a lethal fighting force to defeat our adversaries.

Maybe that's a bit too blunt these days.

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We’re so out of our league anymore. Can’t win a war against goat herders but we are going to take on the Russians face to face?

Now do one on how the army weapons systems are over complicated, cripplingly expensive, and of no use if they have to go off-road.

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Ha. Dude I’m a marketeer. You do that and I’ll share it.

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We’re not losing in battle.

We’re betrayed over and over again at table. By our Diplomatic service and politicians.

We haven’t had a military reverse since 1950 when the Chinese army drove us out of North Korea.

I am taking wars, not every battle or skirmish,

France 1940 is military defeat.

The Philippines 1942 is defeat.

Were the wars lost ?

Generally they’re won then the peace is squandered, and not by the military.

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I did 4 years active Army. I’m also a marketing professional.

It blows my mind how hard the Army screwed up.

TL/DR everyone in the Army knows who the useless shitbags are and those dumbass recruitment campaigns were appealing to exactly the kind of soldiers that everyone hates serving with.

I was an intel analyst in an infantry brigade. I did time in brigade s2, which was about half women and half men. I also did a year in an infantry battalion s2 shop, which was all men.

My experience was that the support units have way too many unaccountable dregs. These are the people who signed up for the easiest jobs they qualified for and were the first people to go on profile or take other actions to make themselves non-deployable.

Enlisted Women were particularly guilty of this. Hard-charging women were rare as fuck. Lazy women were the norm. There was a huge gap between female enlisted and female officers, in terms of quality and usefulness. Female officers were generally pretty good. It takes a different breed of woman to forego the easy route of college to white collar job and trade it for ROTC and them Army life.

I love women, but my time in the infantry battalion was my easiest time in the Army because I wasn’t carrying anyone else’s weight for them.

The Army majorly fucked up by trying to recruit the complainers, the idiots, and other groups that simply weren’t going to ever fit in to a “We do hard shit and bitch about it but we fucking get it done” culture.

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I think sabotaging is succeeding, I don’t think it’s a fuck up.

Anyway I’m out now too, for the present.

Remember a lot of this is DOD civilians, or lawful if idiotic orders from politicians.

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Amen bro. I went from enlisted infantry to warrant officer pilot. I was shocked after 6 years of active duty infantry how fucked up the rest of the army was. There were prolly 5 infantry/SF types in my WOCS class. We tried to blue falcon the shit bags they were pushing through. Mostly females, particularly black females. We wrote a memo and all the WO candidates that were infantry signed it listing names and stating that these people shouldn’t be in the army let alone officers. Fell on deaf ears and we just got smoked for it. Well, they though they were smoking us. Can’t smoke a rock….My easiest day in the infantry was much harder than any day in the rest of the army. Other than haji loves shooting at helos.

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I was on Battalion CQ one day as the runner, and I got tasked with running a packet of stuff over to the post admin building. These were the soldiers who handled all the S1 paperwork from the line units for the entire post.

Sooooo many fat/pregnant ugly white girls and black women. All of a sudden I understood why S1 paperwork was always getting fucked up. It wasn't the poor bastards in battalion or brigade S1. It was the legion of non-deployable shitbags in the room I just described.

Why do non-deployable positions need to be filled by soldiers? Real soldiers don't seek out non-deployable positions unless they're in their last 2 years before retirement. A non-deployable position, by definition, seems like a perfect fit for a civilian DoD employee.

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Jun 4Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

This definitely resonates. These ads totally do alienate the usual demographic.

When I was heavily considering military service after college, one of the main factors in my deciding against it was that the experience would be more like working under an HR department than going on an adventure with the boys. The military can't be that sort of place.

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It isn’t.

But everything that can be done to put up the worst possible image, is done.

I never met anyone in military marketing, btw.

People should know that if it’s not related to war, it’s DOD civilians, and it’s Karen.

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Wow man. You nailed this. In my 20 plus years in the army I watched it go from WWII inspired bad assery to having more meetings about sexual harassment than about war fighting. We lost our way as a nation, the military is just a part of it.

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Thanks man. Yeah. How the hell did the army stop being about projecting power and more about protecting mentally ill they thems from "micro aggressions?"

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Jun 7Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

I think it’s so much bigger than just negligence. It’s gotta be intentional. No F-ing way Miley doesn’t know his actions are treasonous.

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The Anglo-Zionist Empire (London, Rome, DC) is in terminal decline. A controlled demolition like 911. The litmus test for an intelligent person is have they figured out 911? They have had 22 years to figure it out. Do not waste your time on marketing a flaming pile of dogshit that even Goebbles would have the dignity to avoid.

Btw, Nazis/CIA and Zionists/Israel are two wings of the same genocidal bird. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic and is not just used in Democrat vs Republican.

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It’s intentional sabotage and undermining.

Let’s look outside the military.

How many leave Corporate life to get away from Karen at HR?

Or government, the academy?


Our current problem; this stuff was always background, make work jobs. They have pushed HR to the foreground. It takes up 30% or more of training time.

This time stolen is killing people or equipment later-

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Scary shit that.

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Exactly. I read it two days ago and it’s still bothering me. That’s pretty close to a military coup.

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But not so close to as COMMIT

to an actual Coup.

Yes, that’s our “leadership” 🤮

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Just an observation but seems like things started to go south when women were admitted. That seems to have opened the door to all the FUBAR cucks we’re seeing now. As Rush Limbaugh used to say, “the military’s job is to kill people & break things”, not practice “diversity” & all these other touchy-feely, limp-wristed practices.

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ok, I’m Russian who’s been living in the States for 30 years and right now visiting Moscow for the first time since Covid. Women wearing dresses and heels for breakfast at restaurants. Men looking serious and polite. Low obesity, few homeless - saw two in 3 days, no dyed hair land whales sipping from 32oz cups. I loved the States of 50s and 60s and it looks like Russians are trying to recreate it. At least for now.

My heart goes out to all Matts, Dicks and Bobs who had their posterity and purpose taken away.

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irony is watching people howl over men claiming to be women dominating women’s sports while proclaiming that women can serve as well as men in combat positions. a big rule in marketing is selling something that people want. another huge rule is not pissing off your largest demographic. niche markets may suffice for some products, but thats not the military. there are some niche requirements, but combat arms isn’t it.

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watch the video of the recent knife attack in mannheim. look for the female cop.

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Jun 8Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

Even the intro to marketing students would do better in making an add. It’s simple voice of the customer research, benefits are manipulations that sweeten the pot, they don’t make the pot.

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Jun 4Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

Thanks, Marcellino! Great work in analyzing the brand (and actual) deterioration of the Army.

I like your application of brand analysis and development to church dynamics also.

Most mainline churches have been far ahead of the Army in promoting brands that are all but guaranteed to drive away current and prospective members.

The brand that might actually work for churches would be like the early Apple ad of the 1984-style dissident smashing the image of Big Brother.

All age groups know in some way that they live in a quasi-real environment shaped by relentless commercial/political herding. Blade Runner, Truman Show, The Prisoner, Blade, Matrix, etc. have introduced generations to the current and future omnipresence of technological mind/life control.

Torah/Gospel has always proclaimed a separate people/Kingdom of God that is not of the "world."

Perhaps someday a brand will emerge that popularizes and celebrates a rejection/unmasking of the matrix and a turning to the eternal/divine. Living in the world and in the kingdom of God is a balancing act, but a genuine task. "Find your greatness."

Bottom line, via Kierkegaard, "The crowd is untruth."

But the churches (what K. calls "Christendom") love to follow the crowd and the "truth" of the crowd. My church is installing solar panels. Very virtuous!

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Jun 8Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio


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Jun 8Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

I was pleasantly surprised with some of the recent Royal Navy ads, clear acknowledgement of the background of the lads who make up the backbone of the UK Armed Forces and an unromantic take on their motivation for joining. https://youtu.be/mAMFQwebh6Q

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That ad is 9 years old. More recent ads are for women:


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Oh bloody hell. Yep. Shite.

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Jun 4Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio


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Politics is power. The Army doesn’t wield it, but our loyalty to the Constitution is a definite barrier. We also will not frankly repress the American people.

We’re a large dangerous body that is an obstacle to unconstitutional and authoritarian power.

“ a willful desire to destroy the Army.” Comprehensively. You’re just looking at marketing.

Yes of course the Marketing was destructive, you should see what they did to training and morale.

Leadership is over- they’ll drive you out.

The Army could not be co-opted so it was destroyed.

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The US Gvt is deathly afraid of White Patriots, especially those with military training. I wouldn't be too sure any of this has been a recruiting mistake.

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^Alex Jones consumption level: Appropriate

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This thought has crossed my mind too.

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If I was starting over at 18, white hetero and based, I wouldn't go in. Not into that. Not go into a place where I have to get “vaccines” of any kind. Not go into a military in the service of Joe, who I've never recognized as president, and never will. To follow this drumbeat to war with Russia over - Ukraine? The black hole of corruption, money laundering on a vast scale?

We've been poking the Russian bear for decades, over former USSR states on their border. Of course Russia wants to be secure in their immediate surroundings, what country in their right mind wouldn't?

We can't stop fighting this mad effort to destroy the military and our country.

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Ukraine is fighting for its existence. America doesn't need to supply troops, just weaponry so that others can fight a proxy war FOR us. That's the cheapest, best way to fight. Complaining about spending money on others fighting your enemies for you isn't thinking geopolitically.

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Jun 14Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

Provoking a fight on someone else’s turf where that someone is encouraged to fight your enemy isn’t geopolitical thinking, it’s dickhead behavior. No wonder so many 3rd party observers are rushing to dump USDs and Treasurys. If Dickhead can do that to Ukraine/Russia, Dickhead can do it to anyone.

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Actually this destroys Anglo-American Capitalism.

Which is Capitalism.

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You missed Sir that our service is generational, same families over generations. It isn’t, or wasn’t called the family business idly.

The majority of new recruits came from the same families generationally. That is, or was the core. My uncles and Grandfather served, my brother and I served. Not dissimilar to the police- with significant overlap BTW. The Validation is to, frankly, your ancestors and family. It may not be a career but you’ll serve.

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Yes. From your vantage point how does that issue synthesize or impact the conversation about the brand?

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Well sir , it emphasizes what we already know and what military families began telling their children. The real problem is the nonsense we endure daily, some of which is lethal. That and all efforts bought to naught. Generations fought, fathers and sons living, for naught. Shame was our reward. Meanwhile vast amounts of money were made by shirkers. We had long learned to be stone faced at nonsense. Real betrayal and futility? You can’t gloss over such.

There’s something else; we swore to the Constitution …and… it’s GONE. Just GONE. 💨

There are no words for how unmoored that leaves us and America. Pushkin* himself if American could not explain what that means…. Beyond… unmoored. Not just us, the nation. We may be a leading indicator.

By the way, much of the fighting is done by “contractors” now, which is the legal word for mercenaries. Mercenaries are illegal, so they’re “contractors.”

More words. Same people as us exactly of course.

Unmoored- but look, here is 💰.

This is madness, of course.

Patriot to cynic? Armed, dangerous Cynics?

Very well. Inshallah (in GI speech, Inshallah is 💩 happens).

*Pushkin was a genius Polyglot, Russian Patriot, 16 languages fluently, invented the Russian dictionary. I don’t know if he ever put what Russia meant to him, but we see now again they so love their soil.

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“Join the Army, get yourself killed, make a man out of you!”

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