Feb 13Liked by Marcellino D'Ambrosio

Innovative thinking.

I know some women who did an outsourced HR thing as a group of moms working out of their homes. We think of HR as commissars, but 95% of it is just paper shuffling for compliance purposes, which many businesses are more than happy to find someone to do. Its the new version of book-keeping, which is still probably the number one Mommalancer opportunity.

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"Momlancing" is an interesting idea and I've seen firsthand how it can be the dealbreaker for a family that is struggling to keep things afloat, especially if the family is having children at a faster rate than the revenue increases.

I've also seen moms feel pressured to help the family make more money to keep the family "afloat" in a situation where "afloat" is...relative. "Afloat" is keeping the large, expensive house in an expensive area. It's eating out fairly often. It's traveling and spending pretty comfortably. I also think when mom is working it doesn't really offer much incentive for dad to expand his horizons and light the fire under his butt to start making more money. I say that as a dad who needs a fire under his butt.

As someone with a wife at home and 2 children, I don't understand how $140k is the requirement to have 2 children. Not criticizing, I just don't understand why that number is so high.

I know we don't live in a perfect world, but I'd like to see other solutions than adding another job to my wife's plate when she's already busy with tending to the kids, home and community.

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I'm in Dallas and 100k+ is absolutely necessary given rent prices, cost of catholic school, cost of cars, etc. And we just have one kid.

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